Project #2 Form Generator
Describe your design process
I first started with drawing the little manta on my ipad and colored. i then started to write down all the turning points using x and y. After figuring out the locations of each points, I stared to draw it using curveVertex and coloered it with selectd colors. I used random to make the backgroud colors thance constantly and gave it a range. I used User-defined variables to make sure the colors are changing. I also used mousX and mouseY to make the body if the manta moves around.
Overall this is a very interesting project that I got to explore different possibilities. It was pretty hard for me to figure out how to make the body of the fish move and how to make the colors change. I had a really hard time trying to figure out how to make the mousePressed function run smoothly. It seems that once the mousePressed function worked, the rest of the project went missing.