Project #9 Data

Collected Data:

Design Process

This is a set of data about me calling out and receiving calls in 7 days. I have documented the times of calls that I sent out and received along with whom I call to and who called me. I have also documented the length of calls, the time of the calls within a day, and is it a phone call or facetime. The data is shown day by day and seven days in a row. The data is presented in a horizontal line and the yellow dots are the total amount of calls that I connected to within a day. The pinkish transparent dots presented after 7 seconds are the call outs that I made within that day.


I think the data that I have collected demonstrate quite well on how much I can handle stress and clearly present the relationships that I have with the person that I connected to. When the stress level is higher than usual, calls appear more frequently and those calls are usually facetime to friends that I am close to or family members. The length of the calls were shown to be longer as well.